About The Author

Welcome to Jonafree’s blog. This site is designed as a space to express my thoughts, ideas, and opinions. It’s a place to voice topics I don’t normally talk about, either from lack of verbal eloquence or lack of courage. A written, virtual platform allows me to overcome both of those obstacles.

I tend to think about life purpose, philosophy, health, and theology a lot. Sometimes I may add bonus content like fictional short stories, which should trend towards towards sci-fi/fantasy. You can expect most of my entries to fall into at least one of those categories. If none of those things interest you…I’m not offended. You are welcome to watch some cat videos instead.

Q: What does jonafree mean?

A: Jonafree is a variety of apples. They are colored bright red, and I hear they make good pies. I’ve never eaten any jonafree apples, to my knowledge.

Q: So… is your name really Jonafree?

A: Nope, it’s a writer’s name. I like pseudonyms based on plants. I chose “Jonafree” back when I was using a Macintosh computer, and I decided to name myself after a kind of apple.

Q: What else should I know about the author?

A: For more inquisitive readers, I have converted my personality traits into character sheet. This is how made-up characters are usually described in a role-playing game. As you can probably tell, I enjoy making charts and statistics. These character statistics and descriptions have been adapted from MssngrDeath’s helpful article, D&D Stats in Simple Language.


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